Monday, May 30, 2011

Zoo Day!!!!!!!

The kids have been begging us to take them to the zoo, so we spent Memorial Day at the zoo since Elijah and I were both off. We arrived at 10 am and departed at 4 pm. What a long day! The kids really had a good time. Daniel enjoyed the dinosaur exhibits and Alyssa loved just about EVERYTHING. What a great family day.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our Ballerina

Well Alyssa has completed her 1st year of dance and her recital is next week. We had our dress rehearsal this week and last day of class was today. She LOVES to dance. I am so happy that she did not receive my dancing gene (no rhythm). She wants to take dance this summer but Elijah and I have decided we need a break from all activities this summer.

AWANA 2011

Wow, I can't believe how much my kids have learned through this ministry. Both Alyssa and Daniel completed their books this year and received their Cubbie book award on Wednesday night. I was so proud of them. They have memorized 32 bible verses this year :-). I must say it is not the easiest task to teach bible verses to a 4 and 5 year old, but we did it. We recite bible verses on the way to school, on the way from school, during meals, at bedtime and bath time. They have not only learned bible verses, but they also know bible stories and have learned to pray. I am so grateful for this ministry and the wonderful volunteers at our church.